What is the difference between a Dry Riser and a Wet Riser?

A riser is a system of pipes that run through the inside of a building, enabling water to be quickly distributed in the event of a fire. There are two types of risers in relation to fire safety: dry riser and wet riser. Here, we discuss the differences and benefits of each. 

Dry risers

A dry riser is an empty pipe running up the inside of a building, with input connections on the outside or fire escapes. They allow fire rescue services to pump water through the building before connecting hoses to the outlets of each floor to extinguish fire. Dry risers are beneficial because the structure of the building doesn’t need to be altered in order to install the system, and it allows for more efficient access to water than other methods.

Wet risers

A wet riser is a system of pipes and valves running through the inside of a building that are permanently filled with water. The advantage of this, compared to dry risers, is that the pressure is more reliable and effective in taller buildings, allowing firefighters to effectively move water to the areas that need it. 

Where are wet and dry risers found?

Dry risers can be found in buildings over 18m above ground level, where there is an excessive distance between entrances and the upper floors. However, the pressure generated from fire rescue service equipment may not be strong enough to effectively pump water through buildings over 50m. This is where you would find wet risers.

Signage for wet and dry risers

According to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, all non-automatic fire fighting equipment must be readily accessible and clearly signed. This means all inlets for dry and wet risers must include fire riser signs to inform occupants and fire rescue services of their location in the event of a fire. Dry and wet riser signs are very similar, featuring a red background with white lettering and flames.

Fire safety signs on dry and wet risers are essential to protecting lives and complying with regulations. UK Safety Store has over 30 years’ experience in safety signage and stocks an extensive range of fire safety signs for your business. However, if you can’t find what you're looking for, contact us about our custom sign service and we’ll help you create the perfect solution.  

Darren Taylor, managing director of UK Safety Store
With over 30 years' experience in the manufacturing and regulations of safety signs, our managing director Darren prides himself on providing the very best services and insights for all UK Safety Store customers.