Personal protective clothing and personal protective equipment are essential on building sites. PPE signage that instructs staff and visitors on what to wear is an ideal way to inform them of what clothing and equipment they should be wearing. Personal protection signs such as Helmet Stickers, Protective Footwear Must Be Worn, Eye Protection Must Be Worn, and PPE must be worn to help reduce the risk of accidents on site. Our signs are available in a range of materials and are designed to comply with UK regulations. To learn more about PPE signage, read more...
What is PPE?
Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to any item worn by workers to avoid injury from specific risks of the business. For example, if your workers are exposed to daily or average volumes of 85db or higher, hearing protection must be supplied and worn to help reduce the risk of ear damage or hearing loss.
What is PPE signage?
PPE signage refers to any sign that instructs workers or visitors as to the correct PPE required for the site, which might include personal protective clothing signs, hearing protection signs, and much more. To learn more, read our detailed guide to PPE at work.
What are the different types of PPE safety signs?
Given that there are several types of PPE required for construction sites, there are various types of construction site signs relating to PPE safety. These include:
Information PPE signage
Information PPE signs are used to help ensure workers and visitors are aware of hazards and actions that must be taken to reduce the risk of injury, including what PPE must be worn on site. This also refers to some COVID-19 safety signs, such as the Wash Your Hands Don’t Pass It On sign.
Mandatory PPE signage
Mandatory PPE signage is used to instruct workers and visitors as to the correct PPE required for the construction site. This type of PPE sign includes an extensive number of products, including the generic PPE Must Be Worn On This Site sign and more specific designs like the Safety Harness Must Be Worn sign.
Where should PPE signs be located?
PPE signage must be located in the area of the hazard it refers to. However, many PPE signs will be installed at the site entrance or visitor office to help ensure no one enters the site without the correct personal protective clothing.
Are PPE signs required by law?
Yes, PPE and relevant signs are required by law in the UK. There are three pieces of legislation that your construction business should be aware of with regards to PPE safety. Personal Protective Equipment At Work PPE Regulations 1992 states that ‘every employer shall ensure that suitable personal protective equipment is provided to his employees who may be exposed to a risk to their health or safety while at work except where and to the extent that such risk has been adequately controlled by other means which are equally or more effective.’ In addition, the PPE at work regulations (1992) clarifies that ‘the employer shall also ensure that the employee is provided with such information, instruction and training as is adequate and appropriate to enable the employee to know the risk or risks which the personal protective equipment will avoid or limit; the purpose for which and the manner in which personal protective equipment is to be used.’ Lastly, the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 (HSR) details the various types and uses of safety signs for your business, including placement and maintenance.