Danger signs help reduce risk and warn the public of potential dangers in and around your workplace. They are a type of hazard sign and focus specifically on hazards that are likely to result in death, making them crucial for protecting lives and ensuring your business complies with UK regulations. Danger symbols typically have a yellow background with black messages and triangle symbols (eg exclamation mark or skull and crossbones) to clearly depict the danger. Ensuring your employees, contractors, visitors and the general public are aware of potentially life-threatening dangers should be part of your health and safety strategy. From the Live Wires Danger sign to the Scaffolding Incomplete sign, you can find the right danger symbol for your business by browsing our extensive selection. We also offer next-day delivery and our signs are available in a range of sizes, materials and come with bulk pricing discounts. Read more about danger signs
What are danger signs?
Danger signs are a type of hazard sign and highlight risks that are likely to result in death. This includes electrical shocks, unstable structures and much more. Due to a danger of death being present, danger symbols are an essential piece of safety equipment for UK businesses. Not only do they make your employees and visitors aware of severe risks, but it helps ensure your organisation complies with UK regulations. To learn more about what danger signs your business needs, discover our guide to the most common workplace hazards.
Where should danger signs be located?
Danger signs should be located at the entrance to areas where the risk is present, as well as near the risk itself. They should be installed in a highly visible location (as close to eye level as possible) and maintained to ensure they remain clear and unobstructed. For example, if you identify the danger of death as a result of a demolition project, you should install a Danger of Death Keep Out sign at the site entrance, as well as a Danger Demolition In Progress sign.
Are danger signs required by law?
Yes, danger signs are required by the Health and Safety (Signs and Signals) regulations (1996), with further legislation concerning hazardous substances being found in the Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations (COSHH). The Health and Safety (Signs and Signals) regulations provide guidance on the types of danger sign you might need and states that where employers cannot remove a risk, they must install adequate safety signage to alert workers and visitors as much as possible. COSHH highlights the need for certain substances to be clearly marked with a hazard danger symbol, indicating the type of risk associated with the substance. This includes flammable, corrosive and much more. Over on our resource page, you can learn all about the nine COSHH symbols.