Difference between "Fire Door Keep Shut" & "Fire Door Keep Closed" Signs?

Two popular Fire Door Signs, the "fire door keep shut" and "fire door keep closed" signs convey similar messages regarding the handling of fire doors, and the importance of keeping them in a closed position. However, there are slight differences in interpretation which we will touch on in this short article.

A key difference between "fire door keep closed" and "fire door keep shut" signs lies primarily in their implication and the action they suggest regarding the fire door:

Fire Door Keep Shut

A Fire Door Keep Shut Sign indicates the importance of maintaining the door in a closed position. However, some might interpret "keep shut" wording as a more forceful or stricter instruction, implying that the door should be actively and firmly shut rather than simply closed. This sign might suggest a stricter adherence to keeping the door fully closed, possibly discouraging any wedging or partial opening.

Fire Door Keep Closed

Similar to "keep shut", a Fire Door Keep Closed Sign typically implies that the fire door should remain closed at all times, except when being used for passage. It suggests that the door should not be propped open or left ajar - ensuring that it can serve its purpose during a fire by containing flames, smoke, and heat within compartments to prevent their spread.

In practice, the precise meaning and interpretation can vary depending on regional regulations, specific contexts, or the wording preferences of the organisation implementing these signs. Nonetheless, both of these Fire Door Signs aim to ensure the proper functioning of fire doors in maintaining fire safety protocols within a building.